Halo - Help4All
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Protections menstruelles - Kenya
Des chaussures pour les enfants - Kenya
Aidons les animaux de rue - Inde
Materiel scolaire - Inde
Parrainage scolaire - Inde
Sauvegarde des éléphants - Thaïlande
Orphelinat Wat Tham Tako - Thaïlande
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Statuts et fonctionnement
Menu EN
Periodic protections - Kenya
School Shoes for children - Kenya
Helping stray animals - India
School supplies for children - India
School sponsorship - India
Elephant rescue - Thailand
Wat Tham Tako Orphanage -Thailand
Membership / Donations
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Statutes & Operating
Fundraising for Phase 2
We are continuing to raise funds to provide further support in 2025 for the extension work of the Wat Tham Tako orphanage, located near Lopburi, in central Thailand.
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